Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nihal's Nimzovich-Rubinstein Opening

This was a match to settle the weekend of Chess ego. Both father and son, wanted to put excuses aside,and just get down to the real stuff!

So, Nihal varied his Sicilian once again, and this time opted for the Nimzowich-Rubinstein variation which further developed into a counter gambit during the opening game.

This time the mid game went on quite a while before any gambits paid off any pieces from the board. Once a few pawns came off, the game escalated into a like for like, battle, where heavy chess pieces took their tool.

Finally Nihal, fell for a very clever trap, whereby a brilliant fork checked his king. To withdraw from check Nihal, sacrificed his queen which when taken as part of the original fork, produced another fork on the bishop. Nihal, was mesmerized by the sheer brilliance of this fork, and duly paid his dad the respect needed for his Chess.

The end game, fizzled out into a battle of rooks and pawns against a feeble king, which was eventually checkmated into a corner. Bad luck Nihal, hoever for the record, you are doing very very well!


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